Digest of Israeli Practice in International Law

Digest of Israeli Practice in International Law

 Project Outline, December 2020

  1. A Digest of Israeli Practice in International Law is being prepared for publication by the International Law Forum (ILF) of the Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with the support of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). The research team preparing the Digest is led by Prof. Yaël Ronen. It is overseen by an Advisory Board, members of which are Prof. Malcolm Shaw, Prof. Yuval Shany and Prof. Yaël Ronen on behalf of the ILF; Dr. Tal Becker from the MOJ or a member nominated on his behalf; and Dr. Roy Schöndorf from the MOJ or a member nominated on his behalf.
  2. The Digest project aims at generating a series of publications containing official documents reflecting Israel’s practice and opinio juris in international law. Each volume in the series will cover one decade from 1948 onwards.
  3. The Digest will include primarily documents of the following categories, insofar as they explicitly refer to international law and/or clearly reflect Israel’s practice in, or views on, international legal issues:
  1.  treaties signed or ratified by Israel (and relevant reservations and declarations).
  2. primary and secondary legislation;
  3. government decisions;
  4. official legal memos;
  5. statements by state officials (including explanations of votes in international organisations);
  6. official correspondence with foreign governments and international organisations;
  7. court decisions and, where relevant, legal submissions to international and national courts.
  1. The Digest will be structured on the basis of the model plan for classification recommended by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers (Rec. R (97) 11, 12 June 1997) (see Annex). Documents originally in English will be reproduced in part or in full, in English. Documents originally in Hebrew will be either translated into English or summaries thereof presented.
  2. The first volume of the Digest will include practice in the years 1948-1957 and will be compiled over the course of 2021-2022. Subsequent volumes will cover the following decades. The material will be made publicly accessible on a dedicated website. The various volumes will be submitted for publication with an international publisher.


Survey of Israeli Practice Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic, in light of international law

Compiled by Prof Yaël Ronen  

Updated 27 June 2021    



Domestic legal framework

World Health Organization 



Entry into and exit from Israel  



Nationals and permanent residents  


Medical treatment


West Bank and Gaza  

West Bank  


Restrictions on legal process 


West Bank