About Us

The law faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, located on Mount Scopus, is the flagship of legal research and education in Israel. The faculty, established in 1949 as the first law faculty at an Israeli university, has a glorious past, an impressive record of present day excellence and a promising future.

Most of the leadership of the Israeli legal system, including most of our past and present Supreme Court Justices, have graduated from the law faculty, or taught therein. Most of the recipients of the prestigious Israel Prize in Law and Criminology have also hailed from the faculty.

The current members of the law faculty at Hebrew University are top notch teachers and researchers with an established international reputation and prominent status in the Israeli legal universe. Their research work, which involves developments in legal theory with a global application and more practical oriented study of law from critical and comparative perspectives, is regularly published in the world's top law journals and publishing houses. Our faculty members also distinguish themselves in obtaining competitive research grants and prizes for academic excellence.