- Notification under the International Health Regulations: On 27 January 2020 the Minister of Health added the ‘Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV infection’ to the list of diseases of international importance that require immediate notification under the WHO’s International Health Regulations (2005).[1]
WHO standards and guidelines:
At the WHO Executive Board session Israel stated: ‘The WHO’s publishing of hundreds of COVID-19 related guidance materials have been invaluable to Israel and our partners in managing our pandemic response, and the transparent, evidenced-based information has been especially important’.[2]
- CAPSCA: Israel is a member of CAPSCA (a voluntary cross-sectorial, multi-organizational collaboration programme managed by ICAO in partnership with the WHO, to combine efforts to improve preparedness planning and response to public health events that affect the aviation sector).
[2] WHO, ‘Statement by Israel, COVID-19 Response and WHO’s Work in Health Emergencies (Item 14.1 and 14.2), WHO Executive Board 148th Session’ 18-26 November 2020 https://mfa.gov.il/MFA/InternatlOrgs/Documents/EB148-Item14-COVID19%20Response_Israel.pdf.