International Law Forum

About the International Law Forum Research Paper Series

The ILF Research Paper Series serves as a stage for research papers, working papers and articles authored by members of the ILF and participants in ILF events which have not yet been formally published in any journal. Moreover, the series also publishes articles which have been published elsewhere, provided that the publication is not in contradiction with the commitments of the authors to the journal which published the article first, including the copyright on the article.
As the publication channel of the International Law Forum, the research paper series deals with issues relating to international law, although this definition is quite broad: international law and the various branches of international relations, including international law's role implementation in domestic law.

The papers that have appeared in the ILF research paper series may be accessed by publication date, title and author.

If you would like to publish a paper in the ILF research paper series, please contact us at the e-mail: for additional information.