Edwin A. Goodman Professor for Public Law and former Dean at the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
His research interests are administrative law, public law, judicial review, regulation, the study of government lawyers, and law and society. His recent book Lawyering for the Rule of Law: Government Lawyers and the Rise of Judicial Power in Israel (2014) was published by Cambridge Un. Press. He published in journals such as Law & Society Review, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Public Law, Administrative Law Review and American Journal of Comparative Law. He also served as the President of the Israeli Association for Law and Society (2012-13). He received his LL.M from the University of California at Berkeley Law School (Boalt Hall) and his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University where he has lectured there for over 20 years. He has also lectured abroad at Columbia Law School, Fordham Law School and University of Miami Law School. Prof. Dotan was awarded the Shneior Zalman Cheshin Prize for Academic Excellence in Law (2012) and received the Edmond J. Safra Research Lab on Institutional Corruption Non Residential Fellowship (2012-13). He was awarded the Gorni Prize for distinguished contribution for public law (2019). He served as the President of the Israeli Association for Law and Society (2012-14).
L.B. (Honors), Hebrew University, 1985.
LL.M, University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, 1987.
Ph.D. Hebrew University, 1993.
Post-Doc, Worcesterand Wolfson College, Oxford, 1995.
Representative Publications
Two Concepts of Deference, 71:4 Administrative Law Review (2020) (forthcoming).
Can Institutions Make Voters Care about Corruption? Journal of Politics (forthcoming 2019) (with Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan & Omer Yair).
Between the Agency and the Court: Ex Ante Review of Regulations, American Journal of Comparative Law (forthcoming 2019) (with Michael Asimow, Gabriel Bocksang, Marie Cirotteau & Thomas Perroud).
The Common Real-Life Reference PointMethodology – or: "The McDonald's Index"for Comparative Administrative Law and Regulation (in Oxford Hand for Comparative Administrative Law, Peter P. Cane, Peter Lindseth & Herwig Hofmann (eds) (forthcoming 2019).
Lawyering for the Rule of Law: Government Lawyers and the Rise of Judicial Power in Israel (Cambridge Un. Press, 2014).
Impeachment by Judicial Review: Israel's Odd System of Checks and Balances, 19(2)Theoretical Inquiries in Law 705-744 (2018).
Will Procurement Officials be Biased to Disregard Procurement Rules in Favor of a Low-priced, albeit Defective, Bid? Review of Law & Economics (2017).
Open and Close Judicial Review of Agency Action: The Conflicting US and Israeli Approach, 64 American Journal of Comparative Law 521 (2016) (with Michael Asimow).
he Boundaries of Social Transformation through Litigation: Women’s and LGBT Rights in Israel, 1970-2010 (Isr. L. Rev. 2014).
Solving the Counter-majoritarian Difficulty? 11 I-CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law (2013 with Or Bassok).
Non Delegation and the Revised Principle of Legality, 42 Mishpatim 379-447 (2012).
Making Consistency Consistent, 57(4) Administrative Law Review (2005).