Badi Hasisi, full professor, served as the Chair of the Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University. His work focuses on the interaction between minority communities and the criminal justice system, policing, crime prevention, correction and evaluation studies. He also specializes in homeland security and crime-terrorism nexus. He received the 2018 best article prize from the Israeli Organization of Law and History and the Fattal Prize for Excellence in Legal Research & Criminology. Prof. Hasisi also served as the Executive Editor of the Jurnal of Quantitative Criminology and acts as the current chair of the Israeli Society of Criminology.
2006-2007: Post-Doctoral studies, School of Criminal Justice, SUNY Albany
2000- 2005: PhD in Sociology & Anthropology, University of Haifa
1996-2000: MA in Sociology & Anthropology, University of Haifa (Cum Laude).
1993-1996: BA in Sociology & Anthropology and History of the Middle East, University of Haifa
Representative publications:
Badi Hasisi, David Weisburd, Yael Litmanovitz, Tomer Carmel, Shani Tshuva & Taina Trahtenberg (2024). "Proactive Policing and Traffic Disturbances: A Quasi-Experiment in three Israeli Cities". Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/police/paad088
Eran Itskovich, Mona Khouri-Kassabri & Badi Hasisi (2024). “Risk and protective factors of juvenile delinquency among youth exposed to political conflict: The role of social resistance”, International Annals of Criminology. Cambridge University Press. Published online 2024:1-29. doi:10.1017/cri.2024.7
Mona Khoury-Kassabri, Badi Hasisi & Eran Itskovich (2024). “Youth Involvement in Serious Physical Violence and Political Violence – Similarities and Differences in Risk Factors”. Journal of Adolescence. https://doi.org/10.1002/jad.12325
Omrit Avni, Joshua Guetzkow & Badi Hasisi (2024). “Bias in Prosecutorial Decision Making: Bridging Focal Concerns & Group Threat”, Journal of Criminal Justice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2024.102192
David Weisburd, Michael Wolfowicz, Badi Hasisi, Mario Paolucci & Giulia Andrighetto (2024). “Using Agent-Based Modelling to Advance Evaluation Research in Radicalization and Recruitment to Terrorism: Prospects and Problems”. Studies in Conflict &Terrorism. Routledge. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2024.2361956
Badi Hasisi, Gali Perry, Tal Jonathan-Zamir, (2024) Introduction to the special edition in honour of Prof. David Weisburd: Policing—Experiments and quasi-experiments, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Volume 18, , paae073, https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paae073
Tal Jonathan-Zamir, Badi Hasisi & GaliPerry (2024), Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue of the Annals Dedicated to the Renowned Criminologist Professor David Weisburd. International Annals of Criminology; 62(1):3-7. doi:10.1017/cri.2024.15
Hasisi Badi, Geoffrey Alpert and Dan Flynn. (2009). "The Impacts of Policing Terrorism on Society: Lessons from Israel and the U.S.", In D. Weisburd, T. Feucht, I. Hakimi, M. Lois and S. Perry, (Eds.), To protect and to serve: Policing in the years of terrorism, and beyond. New York: Springer: 177-202.
Hasisi Badi & David Weisburd. (2011). "Going Beyond Ascribed Identities: The Importance of Procedural Justice in Airport Security Screening in Israel", Law and Society Review, 45 (4): 867- 892.
Hasisi, Badi, Weisburd, David, Shoham, Efrat, Noam Haviv & Anat Zelig (2017) “The Rock of Sisyphus”: Treatment of Addicted Inmates and Recidivisim in Israel", Megamot 52 (2): 259-300
Simon Perry, Badi Hasisi & Gali Perry (2017) "Who is the lone terrorist? A study of run-over attackers in Israel and the West Bank", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.
Hasisi, Badi. (2008). "Police, Politics and Culture in a Deeply Divided Society", The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 98 (3): 1119-1146.
Hasisi Badi and Weitzer Ronald. (2007). "Police relations with Arabs and Jews in Israel", British Journal of Criminology, 47: 728-745.
Badi Hasisi & Deborah Bernstein, (2016) "Multiple Voices and the Force of Custom on Punishment: Trial of `Family Honor Killings` in Mandate Palestine", Law and History Review. 34 (1): 115-154