Prof. Richard Laster

Richard Laster
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


English Publications

  1. Criminal Restitution, A History of Its Past Use , 3 University of Richmond Law Review, 1970.
  2. The Closed Enterprise System (Mark Green, ed.), 1973.
  3. Reading D: Planning and Building or Building and Then Planning? 7 Israel Law Review, 1973.
  4. Considering the Victim: Readings in Restitution and Victim Compensation (ed. J. Hudson & B. Galloway), 1976.
  5. The Legal Framework for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in Israel, 1976. (Doctoral Dissertation).
  6. Quarrying in Israel: Administrative Roulette, 2 Environmental Policy and Law 39, 1976.
  7. Lake Kinneret and the Law, 12 Israel Law Review 88, 1977.
  8. Environmental Protection in Israel: Taming the Wild East, Selected Papers on the Environment in Israel, 1977.
  9. Legal Aspects of Water Quality Management in Israel, Water Management Under Conditions of Scarcity (Shuval, ed.), 1980.
  10. Remedies for Air Pollution Damage to Agriculture, Developments in Ecology and Environmental Quality (Shuval, ed.), Vol. II, 1983.
  11. Observations: Public Participation in Environmental Problems, Israel-Land and Nature, Vol. 9, No.1 (Shadur, ed.), 1983.
  12. River Authorities in Israel: A Comparison of Different Models, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of the Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Vol. IV-A, 681 (M. Luria, ed.), 1989.
  13. David and Goliath in Development: Small Communities Versus Giant Enterprises, 19 Public Health Reviews, 323, 91/92.
  14. Right to Know in Israel Environmental Law, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Vol. V-A, 442 (Gasith & Fattal, eds.), 1992.
  15. Mesothelioma Mortality Among Former Asbestos-Cement Workers in Israel, 1953-90, 28 Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 543, Aug.-Sept. 1992.
  16. Medical Findings in Nickel-Cadium Battery Workers, 28 Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 578, Aug.-Sept. 1992.
  17. Exposure of Workers to Toxic Substances and Physical Hazards: The Law in Theory and Practice, 28 Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 681, Aug.-Sept. 1992.
  18. Environmental Law in Israel, International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Suppl. 5 (Kluwer Publishers) 1993, updated to 1998.
  19. Environmental Law in Israel Today, "Our Shared Environment" (Twite & Isaac eds.) 1994.
  20. Unnatural Privatization of a Natural Resource, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, Vol. A/B, 368 (Steinberger ed.), 1996.
  21. Reuse of Effluent: Israel as a Model, Modern Agriculture and the Environment (D. Rosen, E. Tel-Or, Y. Hadar, Y. Chen,eds.) (Kluwer) 1997.
  22. Cancer in Thirty-nine Nuclear Industry Workers : A Preliminary Report, Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements Radiation and Human Health, Volume 105, Supplement 6, 1511 (Hook & Luciers, eds.) December 1997.
  23. Commentary: A Scientific Panel for Determining Health Effects among Radiation Workers at Israel’s Nuclear Research Facilities, Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements Radiation and Human Health, Volume 105, Supplement 6, 1595, (Hook & Luciers, eds.) December 1997.
  24. Catchment Basin Management of Water, Environmental Challenges (Belkin & Gabbay eds.) Kluwer 2000 (appears also in Water, Air & Soil Pollution Vol 123 (2000).
  25. A review of environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos in Israel, 29 Public Health Reviews 247 (2001).
  26. Water Flowing Under the Law, Dr. Richard Laster, Dan Livney, Joel Gat, Food Security Under Water Scarcity in the Middle East: Problems and Solutions (Hamdy and Monti, eds.) 2004.
  27. The Sound of One Hand Clapping: Limitations to Integrated Resources Water Management in the Dead Sea Basin, Dr. Richard Laster, Dan Livney, Darrin Holender, 123 Pace Environmental Law Review Volume 22, Number 1, Spring 2005.
  28. Coastal Protection, 205 Environmental Policy and LawVolume35, Number 4-5, October 2005.
  29. Laster, R., Berman, T., Page, T. (2007), Cellular Antennas: Applying Democratic Principles with Precaution, Environmental Policy and Law 37,1: 45.

Hebrew Publications

  1. Implementing the Law, Water and Irrigation, Number 432, October 2002.
  2. River Authorities-Drainage Authorities: One is Better than Both, Agamit,The Kinneret AdministrationNumber 160,February 2003.
  3. The Roots of Environmental Law and Administration in Israel, Dr. Richard Laster and Dr. Ehud Chosen, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 2003.
  4. Using Indirect Legislation to Protect Vistas and the Environment in Agricultural Areas, Dr.Richard Laster and Dr. Ehud Choshen, Yad Hanadiv(2003).
  5. The Water Law: All Inclusive, Flowing Water and Irrigation Engineering, Number 29, Jan-Feb. 2004.
  6. International and Israeli Environmental Treaties, Richard Laster and Ehud Chosen, in Vital Signs-2003 (Frumkin Khenin and Eidelman eds) World Watch Institute 2004.
  7. Setting the Policy Agenda for the Future of the Dead Sea: Interim Report Eidelman and Cohen, eds.) The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, March 2004.

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