Prof. Gal holds a joint position at the Institute of Criminology and Faculty of Law, where she is Chair in Child and Youth Rights and Academic Director of the Child and Youth Rights Program at Minerva Center for Human Rights. Her scholarship integrates legal, criminological, and psycho-social knowledge and involves restorative justice, children’s rights, and therapeutic jurisprudence. She is the author of the book Child Victims and Restorative Justice: A Needs-Rights Model (OUP, 2011), and co-editor (with Benedetta Faedi-Duramy) of International Perspectives and Empirical Findings on Child Participation (OUP, 2015). Before joining the Hebrew University in 2022, she was a faculty member at the University of Haifa, where she was Head of School of Criminology since 2018. Prof. Gal has published extensively in peer-review as well as law-review journals on the areas of her expertise. Tali is an Associate Editor at The International Journal of Restorative Justice and a Founding Board Member of the Israeli Society of Victimology. Prior to joining academia, Tali was the Legal Advisor of the Israel National Council for the Child.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law, LL.B. (Cum-Laude), 1995
American University, Washington College of Law, LL.M. (GPA 4.0), 2000
The Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Ph. D (Law), 2006