Prof. Reuven Yaron

Reuven Yaron

Reuven Yaron was born in 1924 in Vienna, Austria. He studied in the first class at the Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University and wrote his doctorate thesis at the University of Oxford. In 1957 he joined the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and in 1968 he was appointed a professor. In the years 1967-1971 Yaron served as dean of the Faculty of Law. During this period the Faculty moved into the renovated campus on Mt. Scopus, becoming  the first faculty at the university to return to the institution’s original buildings. Yaron specialized in the study of the history of law in ancient times and taught Roman and ancient Far Eastern law. In addition to his research activities, Yaron filled various public positions, including director of the National and University Library at Givat Ram, chairperson of the Israel Broadcasting Authority, and state archivist. Prof. Yaron passed away in 2014.


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