Noam Kolt

Noam Kolt is an Assistant Professor at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law and School of Computer Science and Engineering. Noam’s research focuses on the governance of AI, automation in the legal system, and broader questions of institutional design. Alongside his doctoral studies at the University of Toronto, Noam served as a research advisor to Google DeepMind and was a member of OpenAI’s GPT-4 red team. Previously, Noam practiced international law and corporate law, and held fellowships at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Ethics and Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society. Noam’s scholarship has been published in the Washington University Law ReviewBerkeley Technology Law JournalYale Law & Policy ReviewMelbourne University Law ReviewInternational Journal of Constitutional Law, and other peer-reviewed venues, including NeurIPSACM FAccT, and Science.


For a list of publications and further information, please visit his personal website.