Michael Karayanni is the Bruce W. Wayne Professor of International Law and specializes in private international law and inter-religious law, multiculturalism and civil procedure. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Law and before that was the founding director of the Center of the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity and the academic director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights and the Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law. He held visiting positions at Georgetown University Law Center, University of Melbourne Law School, Stanford Law School, Yale Law School and the University of Chicago Law School, University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law, Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. He also serves as a member of the executive editorial board of the American Journal of Comparative Law and was elected as an associate member of the Institut de Droit International as well as Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
LL.B Bar-Ilan University, 1990
LL.M George Washington University, 1994
LL.D Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2000 (summa cum laude)
S.J.D University of Pennsylvania, 2003
Representative Publications
Major Monographs:
Karayanni, Michael, (2021) The Private International Law of Class Actions: A Functional Approach, Recueil des Cours, Vol 422, pp. 17 - 247 (The Hague Academy of International Law, 2021)
Karayanni, Michael, (2021), A Multicultural Entrapment: Religion & State among the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel (Cambridge University Press, 2021);
Karayanni, Michael, (2014), Conflicts in a Conflict: A Conflict of Laws Study on Israel and the Palestinian Territories (Oxford University Press, 2014);
Karayanni, Michael, (2004). Forum Non Conveniens in the Modern Age: A Comparative and Methodological Analysis of Anglo-American Law (Transnational Publishers & Brill, 2004);
Karayanni, Michael, (forthcoming, 2024). A “Third Camp” in Israel’s Constitutional Upheaval: The Voice of the Silent Palestinian-Arab Minority, I.Con, International Journal of Constitutional Law (forthcoming, 2024);
Karayanni, Michael, (forthcoming, 2024). The Extraterritorial Reach of American Class Actions: A Conflict-of-Laws Approach, American Journal of Comparative Law (forthcoming, 2024)
Karayanni, Michael, (2022). Multiculturalism: Fragile – Please Handle with Care! 26 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 148 (2022);
Karayanni, Michael, (2018) Multiculturalism as Covering: On the Accommodation of Minority Religions in Israel, 66 American Journal of Comparative Law 831 (2018);
Karayanni, Michael (2016). Groups in Context: An Ontology of a Muslim Headscarf in a Nazareth Catholic School and a Sephardic Ultra-Orthodox Student in Immanuel, 41 Law & Social Inquiry 973 (2016);
Karayanni, Michael (2016). Tainted Liberalism: Israel’s Palestinian-Arab Millets, 23 Constellations 71 (2016);
Karayanni, Michael, Access to Justice Ascends to International Civil Litigation: The Case of Palestinian Plaintiffs before Israeli Courts, 33 Civil Justice Quarterly 41 (2014);
Karayanni, Michael,Two Concepts of Group Rights for the Palestinian-Arab Minority under Israel's Constitutional Definition as a 'Jewish and Democratic' State, 10 I.Con. International Journal of Constitutional Law 304 (2012);
Karayanni, Michael, Choice of Law under Occupation: How Israeli Law Came to Serve Palestinian Plaintiffs, 5 Journal of Private International Law 1 (2009);
Karayanni, Michael, Ne me parlez plus du multiculturalisme! Despropriétés du multiculturalisme et de la minorité arabo-palestinienne en Israël, 215 Diogène 38 (2006) (Presses Universitaires de France) (French);
Karayanni, Michael, Multiculturalismo e misure in materia di religione per la minoranza arabo-palestinese in Israele, 9 DIRITTO & QUESTIONI PUBBLICHE, 789 (2009) (Italian).