Dr. Itzhak Kugler

Itzhak Kugler
Senior Lecturer
Ivan C. Rand Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law


L.L.B - The Hebrew University

L.L.D. - The Hebrew University


Representative publications in English

(Hebrew representative publications appear in the Hebrew version of this page)

Direct and Oblique Intention in the Criminal Law (Ashgate, 2002).
  1. "On the Possibility of a Criminal Law Defence for Conscientious Objection" The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence(1997) p. 387.
  2. Conditional Oblique Intention" Criminal Law  Review(2004) p. 284.
  3. Two Concepts of Omission" Criminal law Forum (2003) p. 421.
  4. "Necessity as A Justification in Re A (children) The Journal of Criminal Law (2004) 440.
  5. "Israel" in (Kevin Jon Heller & Markus D. Dubber eds.) The Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law (Stanford University Press, 2011) p. 352.