Fields of Interest:
Income Tax; Corporate Income Tax; International Taxation; Tax Policy; Taxation of Non-profit Organizations; Tax Planning.
LL.B. (cum laude), Hebrew University (1982);
Doctoral Program (cum laude), Hebrew University (1983);
Ph.D. Hebrew University (1987);
Clerk to Justice M. Elon, Israel Supreme Court (1982);
Admitted to the Israeli Bar (1983);
Visiting Scholar, Tax and Fiscal Program, Harvard Law School , (1988-1990);
Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School (Spring 2002)
Scholar in Residence, Columbia Law School (2012)
Director, The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute of Legislative Research, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Since 2012)
Member of various tax forums and committees (Since 1992).
Member, National Committee for Comprehensive Tax Reform (1999-2000).
General Reporter, International Fiscal Association Congress on “Taxation of Non-Profit Organizations” (1999)
Member, Tax Committee, Israel Bar Association (since 1995).
Chairman, Committee on Kibbutz Reorganization (1995).
Chairman, Israel National Advisory Committee on Trade Levies (1991-1996).
Chief Assistant to the General Counsel of the Income Tax Administration (1983-1984)
Semi-Judicial Office:
Chairman, Israel National Advisory Committee on Trade Levies (1991-1996).
Legal Periodicals:
Advisory Board - Tax Law Policy; International and Comparative Tax Journal (U.S.A). (Since 2000)
Editorial Board - Civil Society and the Third Sector in Israel (2005-)
International V.A.T. Monitor (The Netherlands ) (1990-1995).
Editorial Board - The Israeli Tax Review (1987-1989; 1997-2000).
Editor in Chief - The Hebrew University Law Review [Mishpatim] (1982).
Editorial Board - The Hebrew University Law Review [Mishpatim] (1981).
Golda Meir Prize, 1986; Perlman Prize, Harvard University, 1990; Bar Ilan University, Commercial Center Prize, 1997; The Hebrew University Pize for Excellenc, 2010