Adv. Ohad Amar

Ohad Amar
Ohad Amar (ADV) is the Clinical Director of the Clinic for the Representation of Marginalized Population Groups

Ohad Amar, 38, lives in Jaffa, holds an LLM degree in law and human rights with honors, is a member of the Emile Zola Chair for Inter-disciplinary Human Rights Dialogue at the College of Management, holds an LLB degree in law and a BA in government from IDC Herzliya, specializing in diplomacy and strategy. Facilitates the Clinic for the Representation of Marginalized Population Groups of the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University, in which he manages six legal aid centers in the social periphery of Jerusalem, assisting hundreds of applicants to exercise their rights before the various authorities and courts. He also leads processes for policy change, writing position papers, participating in Knesset committees, and working directly with the authorities in promoting social rights, changing welfare policies, and making social services accessible. During the Corona crisis, he initiated and managed the "Social Justice Operations Room", a Facebook group in Hebrew and Arabic with thousands of members and dozens of volunteers, that works to make rights accessible by engaging directly with people in need.