Prof. Guy Harpaz

Guy Harpaz
University's Dean of Students
Lecturer, Law Faculty and Department of International Relations.
Arnold Brecht chair in European law


1990-1993: Faculty of Law, University of Leeds, England, LL.B. with EC Law (First Class Honours – top 1%), received July 1993. Within the framework of the above LL.B. degree - KU Leuven, Belgium, Erasmus Exchange Programme, 1991-1992 (First Class Honours – top 5%);

1993-1994: Faculty of Law and Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, England, LL.M. in Commercial Law (First Class Honours – top 7%), received July 1994; 

1998-2002: Faculty of Law and St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Ph.D. in Law (The EC Anti-Dumping Policy: Turning a Blind Eye to Competition Policy Considerations?), approved June 2003, supervisors - Daniel Bethlehem, Q.C, Eleanor Sharpston, Q.C., University of Cambridge.   


Representative publications

G. Harpaz (2006), 'The Israeli Supreme Court in Search of Universal Legitimacy' 65(1) Cambridge Law Journal 7;

G. Harpaz (2009), 'The European Court of Justice and its Relations with the European Court of Human Rights: the Quest for Enhanced Reliance, Coherence and Legitimacy', 46/1 Common Market Law Review, 105; 

G. Harpaz (2009), 'Judicial Review by The European Court of Justice of UN "Smart Sanctions" Against Terror in the Kadi Dispute', 14/1 European Foreign Affairs Review, 65;

G. Harpaz and A. Shamis (2010), 'Normative Europe and the State of Israel: An Illegitimate Eurotopia?', 48/3 Journal of Common Market Studies, 579-616; 

G. Harpaz (2011), 'The Role of Dialogue in Reflecting and Constituting International Relations: The Causes and Consequences of a Deficient European-Israeli Dialogue', 37/4 Review of International Studies 1857;

G. Harpaz (2015), ‘The EU Funding of Israeli Non-Governmental Human Rights Organisations: When EU External Governance Meets a Domestic Counter-Strategy’, 20/2 European Foreign Affairs Review;

G. Harpaz and Yuval Shany (2010), 'The Israel Supreme Court and the Incremental Expansion of the Scope of Discretion under Belligerent Occupation Law', 43/3 Israel Law Review 514.