The Institute also functions as a research institute. Current research projects include: family violence; rape; white-collar crime; organized crime; women and crime; police violence; police responses to terrorism; explaining crime at place, cross-cultural comparison of aggression and violence; violence in hospital emergency wards; crime among immigrants; drug policy; situational crime prevention; police undercover work; environmental responses to crime; prison terms served in the community; history of social control systems; sociology of law and welfare regulation; sociology of human rights; responses to human rights violations; prisoners' rights; juvenile justice; community control of crime and delinquency; the victim and the criminal justice system.
The Institute cooperates with various criminal justice and welfare agencies in Israel, particularly by organizing symposia, lectures and research consultations. Members of the Institute are active in various national and international scholarly organizations, such as the Israel Council of Criminology, the American Society of Criminology, the Campbell Collaboration, the Academy of Experimental Criminology, and the Deviance and Social Control Committee of the International Sociological Association. Institute faculty members are active in publishing in international as well as Israeli journals, and serve as editors or on the editorial boards of major international journals in the fields of criminology, sociology of law, and victimology. The Journal of Experimental Criminology is housed in the Institue.
An annual public lecture or symposium is held in memory of the founder of the Institute, the late Professor Israel Drapkin. Recent topics have included drug policy, political crime, and policing.