Prof. Guy Harpaz

Guy Harpaz
Lecturer, Law Faculty and Department of International Relations.
Arnold Brecht chair in European law

Professor Guy Harpaz, Law Faculty and Department of International Relations Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Obtained his LL.M. and Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge (Wolfson College and St. John’s, respectively). 

His research fields include EU Law, EU-Israel relations and public international law. Published articles in leading journals including the Review of International Studies, European Foreign Affairs Review, Journal of Common Market Studies, European Law Review, Common Market Law Review and Cambridge Law Journal.

Holder of Arnold Brecht Chair in European Law, Director of the international LL.M. degrees and of the student exchange programmes at the Law Faculty. The University’s ombudsman.

Served as the University's Dean of Students, Head of the Academic Committee of the European Forum, the President of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration, Head of the M.A. Degree in Internaitonal Development (Glocal) and Vice Dean of the Law Faculty. Before joining the academia Harpaz clerked at the Supreme Court and served as a legal adviser at the Prime Minister's office.


Representative publications

G. Harpaz (2006), 'The Israeli Supreme Court in Search of Universal Legitimacy' 65(1) Cambridge Law Journal 7;

G. Harpaz (2009), 'The European Court of Justice and its Relations with the European Court of Human Rights: the Quest for Enhanced Reliance, Coherence and Legitimacy', 46/1 Common Market Law Review, 105; 

G. Harpaz (2009), 'Judicial Review by The European Court of Justice of UN "Smart Sanctions" Against Terror in the Kadi Dispute', 14/1 European Foreign Affairs Review, 65;

G. Harpaz and A. Shamis (2010), 'Normative Europe and the State of Israel: An Illegitimate Eurotopia?', 48/3 Journal of Common Market Studies, 579-616; 

G. Harpaz (2011), 'The Role of Dialogue in Reflecting and Constituting International Relations: The Causes and Consequences of a Deficient European-Israeli Dialogue', 37/4 Review of International Studies 1857;

G. Harpaz (2015), ‘The EU Funding of Israeli Non-Governmental Human Rights Organisations: When EU External Governance Meets a Domestic Counter-Strategy’, 20/2 European Foreign Affairs Review;

G. Harpaz and Yuval Shany (2010), 'The Israel Supreme Court and the Incremental Expansion of the Scope of Discretion under Belligerent Occupation Law', 43/3 Israel Law Review 514;

Guy Harpaz (2021), ‘Labelling Settlement Products: When EU Consumer Law Meets Public International Law’, 55/2 Journal of World Trade, 359-382;

Guy Harpaz (2022), ‘EU-Israel Relations: Netanyahu’s Legacy’, 27/4 European Foreign Affairs Review, 541.