Prof. Yitzhak Zamir

Prof. Yitzhak Zamir
Elias Liberman Chair in Labor Law

Yitzhak Zamir was born in 1931 in Warsaw, Poland. He completed a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science at the High School of Law and Economics in Tel Aviv and studied for his master’s in law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, while also studying Political Science and International Relations. In 1959 he received his doctorate of law from the University of London. In 1955-1956 he served as an intern to Supreme Court Justice Yoel Sussman. Zamir joined the Faculty of Law in 1961 and served as dean from 1975 to 1978. between the years 1978-1986 Zamir served as Attorney General, leading the struggle to investigate the Bus 300 affair and to prosecute those responsible for the incident. In the years 1988-1991 he served as president of the Press Council, and in 1991 he founded the Faculty of Law at the University of Haifa, serving as its first dean. Zamir was appointed a Supreme Court Justice in 1994.Zamir’s academic and public work contributed to Israeli administrative and public law. His book on administrative authority is the most comprehensive work published on the subject to date and is considered the founding document for the field of general administrative law. Zamir has received a number of prizes for his legal work, including the Zeltner Prize to encourage research in the Legal Sciences, the Emil Grunzweig Human Rights Award, the Knesset Speaker’s Price for Advancing the Rule of Law and Democratic Values, the Israel Prize for Legal Research, an EMET (Art-Science-Culture) prize in the legal sciences category, and the Israel Association of Public Law’s Gorni Award.


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