Prof. Jeffrey Wool


Jeffrey Wool is the secretary general of the Aviation Working Group, a group that works globally on the development of policies, regulations and rules designed to facilitate advanced international aviation financing and leasing.

Jeffrey acts in that capacity on secondment from Watson Farley & Williams (London and New York), where he is senior global advisor. Jeffrey coordinates all AWG activity and has since its inception in 1994, previously doing so on secondments from Perkins Coie (London and Washington), where he was a partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer(London), where he was head of aerospace law and policy, Blake Cassels & Graydon (New York), and Holland & Knight (Miami), where he was a partner and its director of international law and policy.

Jeffrey currently co-directs international academic projects on economic analysis of international commercial law reform, best practices for design and operational of electronic registries, and implementation of, and compliance with, treaty-based international law.
Jeffrey was condon-falknor professor of global business law at the University of Washington School of Law from 2011-2019, where he was the founding co-director of its global business law institute and developed and taught new courses on transnational commercial law, comparative commercial law, and international business compliance.

In parallel, he was a senior research fellow at Harris Manchester College, Oxford, and an affiliate member of the law faculty, University of Oxford from 2011 - 2023. Previously, Jeffrey taught transnational commercial law jointly with prof. Roy Goode at Oxford from 1995 - 1998. He then led the initial development of its course materials and was key to its advancement.

Jeffrey is a graduate of Columbia Law School.

List of publications

  • Author (with Andrej Jonovic), The Relationship between Transnational Commercial Law Treaties and National Law – a framework as applied to the Cape Town Convention, The Cape Town Convention Journal (2013, Issue 2, 65 et seq)
  • Author, Treaty Design, Implementation, and Compliance Benchmarking Economic Benefit– a framework as applied to the Cape Town Convention, UNIFORM L. REV./REVUE DE DROIT UNIFORME (2012-4, 633 et seq)
  • Consultant on academic version (cases and materials) of Transnational Commercial Law. Oxford University Press: 2007
  • Author, Economic Analysis and Harmonised Modernisation of Private Law, UNIFORM L. REV./REVUE DE DROIT UNIFORME 46 (2003, 389 et seq)
  • Author [with Lorne Clark], Entry into Force of Transactional Private Law Treaties Affecting Aviation, 66 J. Air L. & Com, 1403 [2001]
  • Author [with Anthony Saunders, Arnand Srinivasan and Ingo Walter], Economic Implications of International Secured Transactions Law Reform: A Case Study, 20 U. PA. J. INT'L ECON. L. 309 (1999).
  • Author, The Case for a Commercial Orientation to the Proposed Unidroit Convention as Applied to Aircraft Equipment, IV UNIFORM L. REV./REVUE DE DROIT UNIFORM 289 (1999-2). (An updated version of this article was published at 31 Law & Policy Int’l Bus. 79 (1999))
  • Author, The Next Generation of International Aviation Finance Law: An Overview of the Proposed UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment as Applied to Aircraft Equipment, 20 U. PA. J. INT'L ECON. L. 499 (1999)
  • Author, Rethinking the Notion of Uniformity in the Drafting of International Commercial Law: A Preliminary Proposal for the Development of a Policy-Based Model, UNIFORM L. REV./REVUE DE DROIT UNIFORME 46 (1997-1)
  • Recent academically related reports on the Cape Town Academic Conference, Cape Town Convention Journal, 2019 - 2022