Prof. Israel Gilead

Prof. Israel Gilad
Bora Laskin Chair of Law

Fields of Interest:

Tort Law, corporations, limitation of civil actions, economic analysis of tort law, bills and notes


Israel Gilead completed his doctorate studies in law, together with undergraduate studies in economics, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1984 he joined the Faculty of Law, heading the Bora Laskin Chair. In the year 1999-2002 Prof. Gilad served as dean of the Faculty of Law. He was a member of international bodies involved in the study of the laws of damages and insurance, and served as a member of numerous professional committees, including the Obsolescence Committee, the Damages Committee, and the Codification Committee, in which capacity he helped draft key provisions in the damages, remedies, and obsolescence sections in the Proposed Law: Rules of Alimony, 5771-2011.Gilad’s areas of expertise are damages law, civil obsolescence, forms of payment, the economic analysis of law, and corporate law. 

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