Prof. Frances Raday

Frances Raday
Elias Liberman Chair in Labor Law

Frances Raday graduated in law from the London School of Economics. She acquired a doctorate of law and continued on to become a full professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem . Raday has written numerous books and articles on the subject of human rights, labor law, religion and human rights, and feminist theory. Raday currently heads the Concord Institute for the Study of the Absorption of International Law in Israel at the College of Management Academic Studies. At the United Nations, Raday has been a Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council and was chair of the Working Group on Discrimination against Women; and is a former member of the Committee to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Raday has, in Israel, served as chairperson of the Advisory Committee to the Commission for Equal Opportunities in Work, and was the founding chairperson of the Legal Center of the Israel Women’s Network. She has represented numerous petitioners in groundbreaking Supreme Court cases in the fields of labor law; trade union freedoms; discrimination on grounds of sex; rights of asylum seekers; recruitment fees for migrant workers; and freedom of and from religion. She has been a co-petitioner or amicus in cases on abortion rights in the Supreme Courts of the UK and of Brazil; an has acted as expert witness in cases on employees’ patent rights in US courts. 

Prof. Raday has been awarded an Honorary Professorship at University College, London; and Doctor Honoris at the University of Copenhagen. She has received numerous awards in recognition of her work, including the Cheshin Award for Academic Excellence; the Bar-Niv Prize for Labor Law, the Israel’s Bar Prize for Outstanding Attorneys, and an award from the Israel Women’s Network for exceptional contribution.

Raday's most recent book  is: Economic Woman - Gendering Inequality in the Age of Capital, Routledge 2019


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