AI: Law and Policy

Mon, 26/11/2018 to Tue, 27/11/2018
Room 502, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club, Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem


Day I

9:00-9:30 – Gathering
Eynan Lichterman, Israel National Cyber Directorate
Yuval Shany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tal Zarsky, University of Haifa

9:30-11:00 – Keynote: Sarit Kraus, Bar-Ilan University – Computer Agents that Interact Proficiently with People
Discussant: Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Israel Democracy Institute.

11:00-11:15 – Coffee Break

11:15-12:00 – AI and Legal Personalities, Old and New
 Dan Efrony, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Noam Lubell, University of Essex – Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and the Use of Force by States
Migle Laukyte, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Stairway to Personhood: People, Corporations, and AI
Myriam Feinberg, University of Haifa – Sofia the Robot – a Study of International Law Applied to Artificial Intelligence
Oren Gross, University of Minnesota Law School – Is 'Meaningful Human Control' Meaningful?

12:45-14:15 – Lunch

14:15-15:45 –Keynote: Shai Shalev-Shwartz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Responsibility Sensitive Safety of Self-Driving Cars
Discussant: Oron Shagrir, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

15:45-16:00 – Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 – AI and Human Rights Challenges
Chair: Yuval Shany
, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Vivian Ng, University of Essex – Can a Human Rights-Based Approach Add Value to Accountability of Algorithmic and Artificial Intelligence Systems?
Karen Eltis, University of Ottawa – The Impact of AI on Constitutional Rights and their Enforcement: A Canadian Perspective
Lokke Moerel, Global ICT Law at Tilburg University and member of the Dutch Cyber Security Council – Ethics in the Age of AI
Tobias Krafft



Day II (Eshkol Observatory, University of Haifa)

08:30-09:00 – Registration and Coffee

09:00-09:30 – Greetings & Overview
Eynan Lichterman
, Israel National Cyber Directorate
Yuval Shany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Niva Elkin-Koren, University of Haifa, Faculty of Law

09:30-11:00 – AI and Markets
Moderator: Jonatan Yovel
, University of Haifa
Michal Gal, University of Haifa – Algorithms as Illegal Agreements
Nizan Geslevich Packin, Baruch College – In Big Data Algorithms We Trust? Nudging to Get A Second Opinion
Ido Sivan-Sevilla, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) – Regulating Emerging Technologies in the European Union: Online Advertising as an Emerging AI Technology that Threatens Cybersecurity and Privacy

11:00-11:30 – Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 – The Discriminatory Effect of AI
Chair: Tal Zarsky
, University of Haifa
Talia Gillis and Jann Spiess, Harvard Law School and Department of Economics – Big Data and Discrimination
George Bouchagiar, Ionian University – Fighting Algo-Dicrimination

12:30-13:30 – Lunch

13:30-14:30 – Keynote: AI and Ethics
Helen Nissenbaum, Cornell Tech

14:30-15:00 – Coffee Break


15:00-15:45 – Keynote: Courtney Bowman, Director of Privacy & Civil Liberties Engineering, Palantir Technologies – The Limits of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence & The Enduring Need for Human Agency and Understanding

15:45-17:15 – Predictive Policing and National Security
Chair: Oren Gazal-Eyal, University of Haifa
Nimrod Kozlovsky, Herzog, Fox & Neeman – Predicting Crime or Profiling Humans?
Eldar Haber, University of Haifa – The Wiretapping of Things
Ronja Kniep, WZB Berlin Social Science Center – Artificial Intelligence Meets Signals Intelligence: Secrecy, Accountability, and Transnationality
Yafit Lev-Aretz, The City University of New York – Personalized Choice Architecture  

17:15-17:30 – Coffee Break

17:00-18:30 – Eviatar Matania, Head of Security Studies Program, Tel-Aviv University, and former Head of the Israeli National Cyber Directorate inconversation with Tal Zarsky, University of Haifa 

18:30 – Reception


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