
Pre-conference activity

Tuesday, 27/2/18

15:00 Study Tour: Jerusalem and the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (meeting at Ammunition Hill, Giv’at Hatachmoshet, tram station)

18:00 ESIL Side Event: Practicing International Law in a Conflict Zone (Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, 3 HaTsanhanim Road)               


Day I -  Wednesday, 28/2/18

08:30-13:00 Interest Group on International Environmental Law - International Law on Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Environmental Protection in Times of Disorder and Contestation (full program available here) (room 365)

11:30-13:00 Masterclass session: Larry Helfer (Duke) -Treaty Exit at the Interface of International and Domestic Law: Taking Stock of Recent Developments and Developing a Research Agenda (room 502)


Conference Activity

14:00-15:15 (room 405)

Opening remarks - Luis Hinojosa (Granada), Michael Karayanni (Hebrew), Yuval Shany (Hebrew)

Keynote Speaker – Basak Cali (Koc/Berlin) 


15:30-17:00 Panel I – International Adjudication in Times of Backlash (room 405)

Chair – Luis Hinojosa (Granada)

Henry Lovat (Glasgow) - International Tribunal Backlash: A Pluralist Approach

Johannes Hendrik Fahner (Luxembourg) - International Judicial Deference as Response to Backlash

Salvatore Caserta (Copenhagen) and Pola Cebulak (Amsterdam) - Regional International Courts in Times of Crisis

Commentator - Pierre d’Argent (Louvain)


17:30-19:00 Panel II – Contestation against the Implementation of Human Rights (room 405)

Chair – Christina Binder (Vienna)

Raffaela Kunz (MPI Heidelberg), Domestic Courts and Constructive Contestation in the European and the Inter-American Human Rights Systems

Ramute Remezaite (Middlesex) - Explaining compliance with ECtHR Judgments in New Member States of the South Caucasus

Andrea Carcano (Milan) - A new obstacle to Human Rights Protection: The Vulnerability of the Democratic State in Times of Globalization and Populism

Commentator – Yaël Ronen (Hebrew/Sha’arei Mishpat)


Conference Dinner


Day II – Thursday, 1/3/18


9:00-10:30 Panel III Law making in a Changing Landscape (room 405)

Chair – Mykola Gnatovsky (Kyiv)

Bryan Druzin (Hong Kong) – Strengthening International Institutions in a Time of Global Disorder by Haarnessing the Network Power of Soft Law

François Delerue (IRSEM/Castex Chair) - Cyber International Law: Transformation or Decline of the Norms of International Law?

Yahli Shereshevsky (Michigan/Hebrew) - Back in The Game: The Reengagement of States in International Humanitarian Law Making 

Commentator – Moshe Hirsch (Hebrew)


11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 


Panel IV – Legal Responses to Violence (room 501) 

Chair – Guy Harpaz (Hebrew)

Asli Ozcelik-Olcay (Glasgow), The Role of International Law in Peace Negotiations: Certainty, legitimacy, malleability

Shiri Krebs (Deakin)When More Information Means Less [Shared] Knowledge: Experimental Data on the Impact of Legal Investigations on Wartime Controversies in the United States and Israel

Chatch Khamphet (Kiel) –Easing Rohingya Refugee Crisis: A Westphalian Approach to Counter Refugee-Generating Policy

Commentator – Maria Issaeva (Threefold, Moscow)


Panel V – International Courts and Their Quest for Legitimacy (room 502)

Chair – Fulvio Palombino (Naples)

Jens Theilen (Kiel), The European Court of Human Rights as the Knight of Faith: Expelling Sociological Legitimacy from the Field of Human Rights

Zuzanna Godzimirska (Copenhagen) - Discursive Legitimation of International Courts

Nino Tsereteli (Masaryk) - The European Court of Human Rights and Legitimacy Management in Times of Change

Commentator – André Nollkaemper (Amsterdam)

Lunch Break and Poster Session (room 405): 

Benedetta Cappiello (Changing Things so Everything Stays the Same, the Protection of International Values Through National Policy); Felix Lange (Withdrawal, Non-Bindingness, Regional Layering and Constitutional IdentityChallenges to Multilateral Treaties from South Africa, the United States, India and Germany); Relja Radović  (A Changing Jurisdictional Framework of Investment Treaty Arbitration: Quo Vadis?); Sean Butler (Whose Vision of World Order? Normative Contestation of the ‘Global Constitutional Framework’); Dmitry Kurnosov (Electoral Rights before the International Courts: An Invitation for Backlash?)


14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions


Panel VI – International Law and Economic Crisis (room 501)

Chair – Tomer Broude (Hebrew)

Alexandra Hofer (Ghent) - Reconsidering international law’s enforcement in times of disorder and contestation

Lys Kulamadayil (Geneva) - Stabilizer, Servant and Seductress: How the Bretton Woods Institutions Use Law

Vladislav Djanic (Amsterdam) - Governance in International Investment Law in Historical Perspective

Commentator – Anne van Aaken (St. Gallen)


Panel VII – The Limits of Adjudication (room 502)

Chair – Andreas Paulus (Goettingen)

Manuel Casas (Yale) - The Existence of a Dispute, Functional Justiciability, and Jurisdictional: a Means of Avoiding Backlash Against International Judicial Institutions?

Jed Odermatt (Copenhagen) - A Political Question Doctrine in International and Regional Courts

Anna Facchinetti (Pavia) - Domestic Courts and the Defense of Shared Fundamental Values

Commentator – Larry Helfer (Duke)


16:00-17:30 – Panel VIII – Human rights in a changing context  (room 405)

Chair – Ganna Yudkivska (ECHR)

Ximena Soley and Silvia Steininger - Inter-American Lessons on Backlash

Damian Gonzalez (Sheffield) – The (Monetary) Value of Suffering in International Human Rights Law: An Empirical Study of Reparations for Non-Pecuniary Damage in the Americas

Emma M.B. Nyhan (Florence) - Generating Indigenous Peoples: The Global Knowledge Production of International Law Concepts and Categories in Context and the Significance of the Transnational

Commentator – Fay Pazartzis (Athens)


18:00 Closing Session  (room 405)


Dinner (ESIL Board Members)


Post-conference activity (optional)
Friday, 2/3/2018
10:00-11:30 Museum Tour: The Israel Museum (Requires Separate Participation Fee of 64 NIS / 16 Euro - Derech Ruppin Road)