Attribution of Cyber Attacks: Technological and Legal Dimensions

Sun, 11/11/2018
Room 502, The Maiersdorf Faculty Club, Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem

LogoA Joint Workshop on the Attribution of Cyber Attacks hosted by the Hebrew University Cyber Law Program and King’s College and supported by the British Council

Discussions Subject to the Chatham House Rule


09:00-09:15 – Greetings and Opening Remarks
Yuval Shany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ady Schonmann-BethlehemKing's College, London

Part A: Attribution of Cyber Attacks – The State of the Art: Concepts and Reality

09:15-10:45 – Masking and Unmasking Techniques
Luca Vigano, King’s College, London
Nishanth Sastry, King’s College, London
Guillermo Suárez de Tangil, King’s College, London

10:45-11:15 – Coffee Break

11:15-12:45 – The Forensics of Cyber Investigations
Buki Carmeli, Trady/former Director of Israeli National Cyber Security Authority
Respondent: Luca Vigano, King’s College, London

12:45-14:00 – Lunch

Part B: Attribution – The Art of the Law: Standards and Prospects

14:00-15:15 – Attracting Responsibility Under International Law
Ady Schonmann-Bethlehem – King's College, London
Steven Hill, Legal Adviser and Director of the Office of Legal Affairs at NATO
Douglas, GCHQ Director of Legal Affairs and International Relations
RespondentNimrod Karin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

15:15-15:45 – Coffee Break

15:45-17:00 – Prospects for an International Attribution Mechanism for Cyber Operations
Dan Efrony, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Former IDF Military Advocate General
Respondent: Tim Stevens, King’s College, London

17:00-17:30 – Closing Remarks
Yuval Shany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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