Volume IX
Part I – Criminal Law: Husband and Wife
- S.M, Passamaneck, Aspects of Physical Violence Against Persons in Karo's Shulhan Arukh - 5
- Peretz Segal, Postbiblical Jewish Criminal Law and Theology - 107
- Aaron Kirchenbaum, The Role of Punishment in Jewish Criminal Law: A Chapter in Rabbinic Penological Thought - 123
- Mordechai Frishtik, Physical and Sexual Violence by Husbands as a Reason for Imposing a Divorce in Jewish Law - 145
- Samuel Morell, Profile of a Jurist: Joseph Ibn Lev's rulings Regarding Agunot - 171
- Russell K. Ryan, And Then There Was One: An Analysis and Comparison of Polygamy Among Jews and Mormons - 205
Part II – Chronicle
Contemporary Halakha (J. David Bleich)
Jewish Law in the State of Israel (D.B. Sinclair)
- Custody and the Role of Women in Their Children's Education - 251
- Brain Death - 257
- Conscientious Objection - 262
- Registration of a Convert - 265
Part III
- Survey of Recent Literature - 271