Volume V
Part I – Jewish Law in Israel
- M. Shava, The Nature and Scope of Jewish Law in Israel as Applied in the Civil Courts as Compared with its Application in the Rabbinical Courts - 3
- Meir Sichel, Air Pollution – Smoke and Odor Damage - 25
- M. Chigier, The Widow's Rights in Jewish and Israeli Law - 44
- D.B. Sinclair, Kupat Am Bank v. Hendeles - 54
Part II – Chronicle
Current Responsa, Decisions of Bate Din and Rabbinical Literature (J.D. Bleich)
- Indirect Coercion in Compelling a Get - 65
- Copyright - 71
- The Foundations of Law Act, 1980 and Its Implementation (N. Rakover) - 80
Varia Americana (B.J. Meislin)
- When Jewish Reference is Irrelevant and Prejudicial and when it is Relevant and Determinative - 85
- The Right of a Public Entity to Lease Airport Land to a Synagouge - 87
- Civil Treatment of a Rabbi - 89
- Blasphemy in English Criminal Law (R. v. Lemon) (G.H. Gordon, with a postscript by B.S. Jackson) - 92
- Industrial and Race Relations in England (Seide v. Gillette Industries Ltd.) – M. Jefferson - 100
Part III
- Survey of Recent Literature - 109
- Index of Reent Literature, with Author Index - 151