Volume IV
Part I – The Wife's Right to Divorce
- B.S Jackson, Introduction - 3
- E. Lipinski, The Wife's Right to Divorce in the Light of an Ancient Near Eastern Tradition - 9
- Yair Zakovitch, The Woman's Rights in the Biblical Law of Divorce - 28
- Evald Lovestam, Divorce and Remarriage in the New Testament - 47
- Daniela Piattelli, The Marriage Contract and Bill of Divorce in Ancient Hebrew law - 66
- Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, Divorce of Jews in the Roman Empire - 79
- Mordechai A. Friedman, Divorce upon the wife's demand as reflected in Mnuscripts from the Cairo Geniza - 103
- Shmuel Shilo, Impotence as a ground for divorce (to the End of the Period of the Rishonim) - 127
- Mark Washofsky, The Recalcitrant Husband: The Problem of Definition - 144
- J. David Bleich, Modern-Day Agunot: A Proposed Remedy - 167
- David Novak, Annulment in Lieu of Divorce in Jewish Law - 188
- M. Chigier, Ruminations over the Agunah Problem - 207
- David Pearl, The Wife's Right to Divorce in Muslim Law - 226
- J. Duncan M. Derrett, Divorce at the Petition of the Wife at Hindu Law - 232
- Bernard J. Meislin, Pursuit of the Wife's Right to a "Get" in United States and Canadian Courts - 250
- Stern v. Stern, Judgment of Gerald S. Held, J.S.C. - 272
- M.D.A Freeman, Jews and the Law of Divorce in England - 276
Part II
- Survey of Recent Literature - 291